Igor Berlenko

Results 143 issues of Igor Berlenko

It works: ``` npx chisel dev -- --internal-routes-listen-addr --api-listen-addr --rpc-listen-addr Applied: 1 models ``` But if I change rpc-listen-addr to another port, it doesn't recognize models nor...

``` [2023-04-10T21:24:54Z] INFO - Creating new partition-specific broker connection topic=eos/904/1 partition=0 [2023-04-10T21:24:54Z] ERROR - request encountered fatal error e=Server error InvalidTopicException with message "error getting metadata for topic "eos/904/1"" request_name="produce"...

It was previously accessible: https://docs.chiselstrike.com/tutorials/getting-started

I have a long-running script which creates new rows once a second. It currently works by publishing kafka events with data which are then handled by events/ script to parse...

I would like to distribute my app as offline desktop application, it consists of Astro frontend talking to Chisel database running alonside on the other port. What's the easiest way...

Currently ID primary index has restriction to be long form of uuidv4, would it be possible to save objects with custom primary ID i.e. nanoid()? Then it would be more...

Suddenly my .chiseld.db grow up to the size 3.36 GB and now "npm run dev" throws an error: npm ERR! code ENOSPC npm ERR! syscall write npm ERR! errno -28...

Consider I have Settings model in my app which often being searched by different fields. Usually I have to make a wrapper like following, and I would like to have...

I want to implement search feature which can find elements from database containing string field the most similar to given one. Most naive approach would be to fetch all the...

query api

Jan05-2039.ts ``` import { Database } from "https://deno.land/x/sqlite3/mod.ts"; const db = new Database(":memory:"); const sqlQuery = Deno.args[0]; const stmt = db.prepare(sqlQuery); const result = stmt.all(); for (const row of result)...