Igor Berlenko

Results 119 comments of Igor Berlenko

I didn't use this tool but I can guess this tool is not working because blockr API is not available now.

So what should I do? How to run Bun on WSL2?

I have a similar issue. But logs contains error: Config does not have property NullGatewayTick Does anybody have an idea how to fix it?

It feels comfortable for me to have excalidraw document in background of my desktop.. where I navigate around relevant context.. and then other windows i.e. coding editor are fixed always-on-top...

AI search similar pictures.. when I have a document with recipes.. pasting a new picture would suggest similar ones..

Even further.. when I am adding a new picture to document.. it will show suggestions of similar pictures around it.. then "auto-pilot" mode that generates infinite mindmap around initial input...


Alternatively, we can introduce a new element "Arrow Link" which can snap two elements together and have smooth transition from one to another I am actually currently using this approach...

After going through suggested approaches, I am coming up with solution of "Pinned Anchors" -- The idea to add another action "Pin element" which would be very similar to "Create...