Igor Berlenko

Results 143 issues of Igor Berlenko

`block` argument is object with data fields, but without any specific methods https://github.com/mappum/bitcoin-net/blob/c842a23821a01b5d2d7e4d8ae8726537e28d9320/src/peer.js#L189 example.js ``` let { Peer } = require('bitcoin-net') const net = require("net") const socket = net.connect({ port:...


I would like to have ability to attach external commands to be executed by double-click on target element/image. Then I would be able to use excalidraw document instead of desktop/launched...

I would like to have some "sticky notes" which remain on top while zooming and scrolling around..

Allow external tools to create and edit .excalidraw documents

This proposal to have contextual search showing up in popup when requested to suggest relevant pictures and results from google search either any other process.. can be shared ui with...

This proposal to add another component which allows to search in the database for keywords and insert chosen documents published by other users into your own document..