James Garbutt

Results 79 issues of James Garbutt

This is just a a draft PR for me to track any changes I do to the v4 branch. So far: - Fixed an async bug in the tests so...

This replaces `braces` with `brace-expansion`, a much leaner and more actively maintained package.

👋 as part of the efforts going on over at the [ecosystem-cleanup](https://github.com/43081j/ecosystem-cleanup) repo, we're helping projects move away from various packages to reduce dependency bloat `braces` is one such package....

Could you possibly add type definitions for `Polymer.dom(Event)`? As per [this](https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/events#retargeting), you can pass an `Event` to `Polymer.dom` such that you are given a wrapped event back (which has the...

Upgrades chai to the latest version (5.x) which now ships as ESM directly, meaning we no longer need esm-bundle's fork. we may want to use node's built in test runner...

Switches from using `replace(pattern, fn)` to using the `exec` method of a `RegExp` instead. This is draft until someone can decide if its a sensible thing to do 😬 basically,...

This adds a few simple tests for handling bodies which originated from other middleware (i.e. `req.body` is set). I was digging around the code to see how it works and...

ui-sortable watches `ui-sortable` in scope and, on change, applies each option individually using `sortable('option', key, value)`. The problem with this is that the default `items` selector is `> *`. Due...

jquery-ui related

This moves to using `enhanced-resolve` for resolving reporters in the CLI. Primarily because it is more up to date with the node resolution algorithm, but seems we dropped a few...

As i'm sure you're aware, there's an ancient (and forever ongoing) issue around customising whether we include the `/` in self closing tags or not. I'm creating this issue to...

status:needs discussion