James Garbutt

Results 79 issues of James Garbutt

Introduces a `format:fix` script to apply prettier changes, and a `format:check` script to check them. Also introduces lint-staged such that staged files will be auto-formatted. If you already had plans...

This just adds some tests for the underlying button implementation can you let me know if this is how you've been testing internals? so i can keep it consistent with...

### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Current Behavior Given this: ```json { "files": [ "lib/(!test)" ] } ``` and...

Priority 1

Currently strings are read as-is, byte by byte using a `Uint8Array`. The downside of this is that characters in high UTF-16/UTF-8 ranges will likely break or be malformed. I'm not...


Work in progress of the extraction of the core. It works, tests pass, i just need to move all the tests around a bit and actually publish the repo/package. then...

as per the title, we should extract the core of postcss-lit since it isn't actually specific to lit. this would allow the community to build other css-in-js syntax support without...

We may want to support names other than `css`, for example if someone names theirs `style` or something: ```ts style`.foo { color: blue; }`; ``` not entirely sure if there's...

### What happened? Since you introduced async transformers, `transform` now actually returns a `MaybePromise` from what i can tell. Meanwhile, the exported `transform` function defines its return type as `RenderableTreeNode`...


Just a PR containing the stuff that was in #2 Implementing an "auto" version of the lit integration which tracks atoms and observes the right ones automatically. Usage: ```ts export...

Mobx heavily uses "magic" (i.e. hides away most of the reactions/observations by default and 'figures them out'). Not everyone is a fan of this but it has proven to be...