
Results 10 comments of 2000thehecf1

@AnthonyTag https://gyazo.com/8c011a3dc3710bab8643a76b16efd34f https://gyazo.com/58a09dd756a702030da8a9402e44437a That's how it looked before, now it just shows the nicked one, and even when you die / complete an objective you appear with the nicked name.

@elephantLocator Yes it works fine for friends but not for the guy with the nick.

Also, looking at this pic: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/e6d29f652715a6cde64033c27aa7904a075c370e/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f79656b665051662e706e673f31 It seems like nicked players appear at the end of tab list (look at aboudaga on Blue Team) making them more recognizable.

@jedediah I have no idea, it also happens on the other servers randomly and it's something that bothers me a lot because it didn't happen me for a while.

@LArrowHead It happens on every map

@jedediah Might just be coincidence but it may be caused because of lag? I think it never happens when a server has just restarted and it starts happening when it's...

I don't know if this is being looked at but it should be high priority. I don't want to be annoying but it's really gameplay-breaking especially in CTW.

@iPGz I can't think of a way to reproduce it as it seems to happen randomly. I'm feeling that lately happens all the time though. I tried to help when...