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/nick showing your nicked name instead of your own
It showed your own nick crossed out in tab and it and your nicked one while writing on chat but know it only shows your nicked one in dms, when placing wools, etc. Not sure if intended but I don't think so.
Could you give an example with pictures? I'm not really following.
@AnthonyTag That's how it looked before, now it just shows the nicked one, and even when you die / complete an objective you appear with the nicked name.
Like this?
This is what I get when my friends are nicked and on the same server. Works fine when they switch.
@elephantLocator Yes it works fine for friends but not for the guy with the nick.
@2000thehecf1 Wait shouldn't it show the alt name for me, next to the strikethrough? It sometimes does: punishment messages etc. but not in server list
@elephantLocator Yep, true.
Also, looking at this pic:
It seems like nicked players appear at the end of tab list (look at aboudaga on Blue Team) making them more recognizable.