10K Genomics
10K Genomics
Dear Inigo: Hello! About Circle-Map, I use Circle-Map version=1.1.3 to identify eccDNA, Circle-Map Realign command to get the result, I want to get the sequence of the spite reads of...
When I used samtools index to index the bam file, I found that an error would be reported. The species is Ginkgo biloba and the chromosome length is longer than...
Dear Author: I encountered a problem when using Circle-Map. I found that when running Circle-Map Realign, the progress bar is always 0%, as shown below. I thought it was a...
Dear sir I'm running data_ plotter.py script, the instructions are as follows: data_ plotter. py --counts ./Sample_ Tr.tsv --xlim 50 --ylim 50 --show-genes Penk Because the script defaults to the...