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about samtools index for bam
When I used samtools index to index the bam file, I found that an error would be reported. The species is Ginkgo biloba and the chromosome length is longer than that of humans. It cannot be constructed. And I use the -c parameter to form a csi file, and I want to further use the eccDNA identification software Circle- Map software cannot analyze further and report errors. There is a solution.
The csi file cannot be used for the next step of Circle-Map eccDNA recognition
Hi @caijingtao1993,
Could you send me the error log by email?
PS: Gingko biloba is a very interesting tree. I hope you get some very nice results!
Dear Author: Hello, see the attachment for the log file. Looking forward to your reply.
I do not see any attachement. Could you send it directly to my mail?