
Results 35 comments of zeke

@teddyknox how hard do you think it would be to make this such that you could upgrade an existing cw20 to this contract? that would be a really killer feature...

@teddyknox i'm wondering more if we could make this so that a DAO with an existing cw20 token and staking contract could upgrade to this and in doing so vest...

looks great :) just needs a rebase on the new naming stuff. sorry to rug with that

gonna get rugged by this too if we don't rebase and merge this soon: https://github.com/DA0-DA0/dao-contracts/pull/516

thanks for this change! looks good at a skim. we're currently getting really close to releasing v2 of the contracts. thinking we're going to wait on landing this change until...

two things from working off a fork that i think we can improve here: 1. the [rfc for this](https://rust-lang.github.io/rfcs/2906-cargo-workspace-deduplicate.html) uses `dep = { workspace = true }` everywhere (does not...

thanks for reporting! > @Buckram123: [cw-core](https://github.com/DA0-DA0/dao-contracts/blob/693a5d6a36ada1505c5a52e8029b1b80ea557393/packages/voting/Cargo.toml#L15) gets imported (with everything) can we get around this by adding the library feature to the `cw-core` import in voting, or is this something...

definitely think @de-husk is right here. :) the structure of having a package with the external api and the contract is slick. this would be a nice refactor to get...

#61 should resolve this.

this is really cool. i like your description of zcash and the idea here. it sounds reasonably intuitive, though i'm unfamiliar with zk proofs so i'm unable to verify it....