I'm having a similar issue, when I print vertical labels from PirateShip on 2x7 they come out fine, but using these return address labels I think the driver is auto-rotating...
Currently, person search doesn't work at all for me. The only ways to interact with face recognition are to click on a photo of a person, or go to Settings...
Just simply when using search, no photos come up unless perhaps the filename is named with the search string. It's as if there is no person search in file manager...
Nothing after 3 years?
Yeah that would help. Without revealing my location, these are national US chains so you may expect to find many US results for the "Michaels" craft shop when searching for...
I do generally like ignoring apostrophes because likewise there's the opposite case of "Macy's" which many people will type as "Macys" -- treating symbols as interchangeable or optional is probably...
I was trying to not divulge my location but fine. Most of your spelling or punctuation is wrong or backwards, you're demonstrating that the opposite case works but not the...
Encountered this today with Lowe's though it eventually found the right thing around result 5 when I persisted
I think the ultimate fix is to render basic "shields" (colored text boxes) as an intermediary step to fully localized realistic shields. I agree that something like `Exit 23: [US...
"post office" is in this list but when searching for it I only receive post offices with the exact phrase "post office" in the title (The UPS Store and FedEx...