
Results 68 issues of ztdepztdep

![AP mtx](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8356693/188633343-d333719b-482a-41bf-a4e6-ee258cd8af32.jpg)

I enable the superlu_dist in trilinos, but it gives me the following error: SuperLU_DIST_2.5/lib/libsuperlu_dist_2.5.a(dutil.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC...

I want to solve the tridiagonal Ax=b with superlu_dist. Does superlu_dist has a special function to treat the tridiagonal A.

I want to first decompose the matrix and store its coefficients for later solution use. Does superlu suppor it .

I want to transfer the L and U matrix to the gpu , does superlu support the output of L and U matrix to a file?

![image](https://github.com/kenwheeler/slick/assets/8356693/9b616830-dc9c-4191-a879-adc59f9a8387) I have add the slick in my website. but the texts are not centered and the error is missing too. Could you please give me some suggestions.

I need the fft to compute the NS equations in periodic domain. so does accfft support the convolution computation of the convectioin terms or how to apply the 3/2N rule...

In a 3D channel flow with 2 periodic directions. I need many 2d fft and ifft in the z directions. does accfft support it?

I want to develope a code based on incflo for the phase change problem with enthalpy method. Basically, we need to add some source terms to the ns eq which...

I have set the path of GKLIB, but it still cann't be foundd by the compiler.