
Results 68 issues of ztdepztdep

Dear sir: I want to know how to set a parallel mesh mannuly except using load from gmsh.

Friends: I have partitioned the mesh sucessfully . On each CPU, i need to know the global index of the ghost cells for the FVM . Which API provide these...

Dear sir: could you please provide some tutorial to show how to use it. Regards


`mp.pretty = True mp.dps = 100 a=mp.mpf(1)/6 print(a) b=mp.fdiv(1,6) print(b) print(mp.mpf(2)**32582657 - 1) print(mp.mpf(10) ** (10**100)) ` It give me the following output: `0.166666666666667 0.166666666666667 1.24575026015369e+9808357 1.0e+10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000` why the first...

I only find the root of the Legrendre polynomial. how to find the Gauss_lobato Nodes and weights?

I want to implement the BGK-LBM method with amrex, I need to set the distribution functions f0,f1,f2,......,f8 with the following expression: f1(0,j)=f3(1,j),f2(0,j)=f5(1,j) how to achieve this goal. Regards

`cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) project(amrex) include_directories(/home/ztdep/lib/amrex/include) include_directories(/usr/local/cuda/include) link_directories(/home/ztdep/lib/amrex/lib64) link_directories(/usr/lib/hpc/gnu7/mpi/mpich/3.2.1/lib64) link_directories(/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs/) add_executable(main main.cpp) target_link_libraries (main amrex cuda gfortran) ` I write a cmake file to compile the HelloWorld.c in kdevelop4. but it feedback...

I have installed hdft1.8.5 in parallel, but the configure process respond with " hdf5 link can't work.". I am confused about it. What should I do next? Regards

Dear friends: I configure SAMRAI with the following command: ./configure --with-F77=gfortran --with-boost=/home/ztdep/Downloads/boost_1_56_0/stage --with-petsc=/home/ztdep/Downloads/petsc-2.3.3-p16 but make gives me the followering errors: ./../../source/SAMRAI/solv/PETScAbstractVectorReal.C:140:57: error: ‘PetscLayoutCreate’ was not declared in this scope ierr...

The AMGX becomes very slow at the stage "Parsing configuration string: selector=AGGRESSIVE_PMIS " after I increased the matrix size (matrix B). The dimension of matrix are as follows: A: NumGlobalRows...

usage question