
Results 68 issues of ztdepztdep

Dose AMGx provide a mechanism to exclude all the zero in the input matrix.

I just update my cuda from 11.3 to 11.7, and I met the following error. I have tried recompiling the AMGX, but it still happening. Could you please give me...

Does AMGX support AMD gpu with opencl.


I read in a matrix from the matrix market file and upload the matrix with "AMGX_matrix_upload_all(ADiffu, NumGlobalRows, NumGlobalNonzeros, 1, 1, &Row_Count[0], &Col_vec[0], &Val_vec[0], 0);" where Row_Count Col_vec Val_vec are the...

I need to solve a series of Ax=bi,i=1.....N with the matrix A unchanged. while(time

The following feedback are generated during the running process, i want to disable it. Could you pleaes give me some infors. ``` RHS vector was not found. Using RHS b=[1,…,1]^T...

new feature

I need to solve the pressure equation for the incompressible flow since the pressure equation is a possion equation with 4 Neumann boundary conditions. I need to delete one row...

type: question
pkg: Epetra

how to find the 30% of the total line curve length.