Zsolt Szatmári
Zsolt Szatmári
Wow, cool! Thanks again! Keep up the good work :+1:
I am digging this.
...Although it does not compile for me. The following instead works, however: ``` f# let reducerBoilerplate (reducer:'a->'b->'a) = let inner state (action:Redux.IAction) = match action with | :? FAction as...
Thanks for the PR! I'd be happy to merge it in, but there is one small thing: the project unfortunately must remain GC-enabled in the repository. That's because Lion is...
Hi, I wasn't sure either, since I have no such headset. So in this case, I will need your help. Thank You for getting back to me! Does your headset...
Yes, sure, there are many kinds of BT devices, more data is better! Thank You!
Thanks! It might be that it does not work with your BT headphones, but works with @frus 's one. @frus : Does mac-bt-headset-fix still work with Yosemite? (I assume @smarek...
Dear danyuk, this should be possible, you are right. Basically, what I've noticed that on some configurations the preference pane does not work, I've yet to figure out why. Do...
Ok, I will look into it, thanks for reporting!
Hi! Thanks for getting back to me. However, I didn't have the time to do that, and I cannot promise anything due to lack of time. I'll try my best...