Zsolt Mázló
Zsolt Mázló
As @hegyibalint pointed out, to discuss this issue it's enough to request review with tagging users a comment, thus all unnecessary assignment was removed and hereby I'm requesting review from...
If I may interrupt, I think version upgrades are not that big a deal
I found several articles about the streaming problem, here they are: http://www.lewisroberts.com/2015/05/15/raspberry-pi-mjpeg-at-30fps/ https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/new-camera-mode-released/ @hegyibalint If you find some time in your calendar, you may check these articles as well :)
This problem usually occurs if the display is broken, especially the bottom part (where there is no screen but glass). If anyone have a solution, do not hesitate to share...