Zhuoqing Fang

Results 34 comments of Zhuoqing Fang

> There is a bug on detecting vdjtools format. > > I believe that the problem is on the file `io.R`, line 546: > `} else if (str_detect(tolower(l), "cdr3nt") &&...

@Alexander230 , sounds great ! I've attached 2 output of TRUST4. [TRUST4.zip](https://github.com/immunomind/immunarch/files/6965138/TRUST4.zip)

@Alexander230 , That's fantastic ! It works perfect now. There's still one issue: When only header line presents (without any clonetypes data), it throws error ``` Error in if (any(str_detect(.name[i],...

@Alexander230 , it works perfect now. Thank you very much for quick response


@littlecodersh, 接入myplatform之后,原菜单实效了 可不可以显示原菜单呢,能不能写个patch?或者哪里可以自定义菜单?

Thanks for the comparasion ! I think it's a bug in the recent updated rust code. I will get back to you soon

Now, it's fixed. see a new release (v0.12.1) for this critial bug fixed just use pip ``` pip install -U gseapy ```

Thank you very much for the feeback. it really helps. So others could have a reference here. there are 3 reason have you don't align well for FDR q: (1)...

Hi @searchlie, unfortunately, I found another critial bug when calculating NES values in Rust code. It affects the FDR calculation and Now is fixed This bug does not exist for...