Thank you! I have this problem because of the processing of my dataset . Now I have solve this problem ,thank you very much for your reply~
hello, I encountered the same problem,can i ask you how to solve it ? Thanks a lot
@RahhulDd Thanks a lot. And I want to know why retargeting work needs the meanpose and stdpose and how to get it? I want to follow this repo to do...
Thanks. @RahhulDd By the way, the meanpose and stdpose are for whole dataset or just for one person ?
my_Data.content: number_id first_x first_y second_x second_y ... fourteen_x fourteen_y label (first_x,first_y) is the coordinates of first point. X and y are all float number not 0/1. my_Data.cites: first_number_id second_number_id And...
But my feature of a node cannot be represented by 0/1 , how can I solve this problem. If I use 0/1 to represent a node, that will be a...