Results 127 comments of Zorg

> Developers still support 10.6, so they're stuck with Sparkle 1.5/1.6. I think we are totally dwarfed by Apple regarding this issue. They give a large incentive for developers to...

> Could the updater update Sparkle.framework only (after checking that its our stock build) without updating the parent app? No, you'll invalidate code signing, which could also affect the application's...

Of course we'd also want to think about what has changed in Sparkle between the old version a developer may have installed and the newer version available. If it's just...

SPUStandardUserDriver presents the error to the user. There's no API today to allow customizing the presented error easily but it's not a hard task. However the real question is if...

I don't think b) is viable. For a) we can simply use NSFileManager's isWritableAtPath: method. What is really the difficult part hiding the check box. I assume we should be...

So, I'm not _really_ a fan of over-complicating the user-facing automatic downloading of updates option. I'm not sure if this ties into using reachability API, which we recently removed using...

Btw, you may want to consider adding a UI option to disable automatic downloading of updates. I wonder how feasible that is. Would seem to make some users happy.

Say a user is "metered" or on a slow connection (maybe they are always on such a connection, or only sometimes?), but wants to download updates automatically anyway. They opt...

Yup, that looks like a nice enhancement. Regarding making changes to automatic downloading of updates in the future, we should note there's two different modes: * Users opt into downloading...

Thanks for the write up, I have wanted to but haven't had time to play with SwiftUI. One note is that you may want to hook up menu item validation...