Results 26 issues of Zorg

Hey. If you're interested in retrieving active URLs from "Safari Web Content" processes, you should be able to retrieve it from launch services dictionary using the "LSActivePageUserVisibleOriginsKey" key. See

[Reported by XxUnkn0wnxX] if possible like in Cheat Engine allow for customisable keyboard shortcuts based on events or search parameters. EG: For BitSlicer, Set "Command+" shortcut to search for grater...


Bit Slicer's current application and user document icons don't scale very well with small sizes, and isn't up to date with the "post-Yosemite appearance." The current application icon conveys slicing...


The NSTableViews need to be updated to Cocoa's View based ones before cell-based views really becomes deprecated. This applies to search documents, watching variables read/write accesses, and debugger window (including...


It would be nice to refer to the address of another variable in the search table, such that a variable2's address could be variable1's address + 0x4. This is suitable...


It is valid for users to strip localization files in an app bundle or strip mach-o architectures from binaries inside the app. Neither of these things if done properly invalidate...

From discussion #2208, in the permission prompt I think we should consider adding a checkbox option that reflects `SUAutomaticallyUpdate` / `-setAutomaticallyDownloadsUpdates:` (i.e, an option to automatically download/install new updates). Current...

I don't think this has been given too much thought, but if you have automatic updates enabled, then Sparkle tries to install the update when the app is terminating. If...

So this may not be as one expects, but fcntl() always returns 0 here (on 10.11), thus it does not report back a desired child pid to wait for.

Let's have this be the general issue for app translocation / gatekeeper path randomization in the upcoming macOS 10.12.. Note this more has to do with the initial distribution of...