诣极 yì jí

Results 10 issues of 诣极 yì jí

Take API 'proxy_get_buffer' as an example: Filter A(context ID:1) and Filter B(context ID:2)are XxxFilter extension instances, Filter A is handling OnHttpRequestHeader,Filter B is handling OnHttpResponseBody, Both Filter instances invoke 'proxy_get_buffer'...

### Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. 某客户私有协议tcp扩展,并且采用短连接场景(ping-pong),服务方在响应完后会主动close链接,mosn侧会导致请求丢失 mosn xprotocol pingpong connpool 拿到服务用tcp发送报文,等待Notify ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15549777/180915361-b6f09c2c-63f7-467c-98af-0ec082ed7fcb.png) 服务方在处理掉response请求后,发送fin close链接,导致mosn的请求丢失 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15549777/180915425-b05009a3-d31a-4dd4-94f0-c5dae9e158f3.png) 背景已同步给 永鹏 ### Expected behavior 1....


### The New Feature Describe the new feature you want to support clearly. 1. 拆分buffer pool, 插件目前没法用编解码池化,类似bolt协议的buffercontext 2. 拆分contextKeyXXX, 可以支持变量机制读取 ### Your scenes Describe your use scenes (why need this...

分别用于命令发送和订阅功能, 为什么不能通过共享同一个sockect连接实现? 书上说 为了不丢失__sentinel__:hello频道的任何信息,必须建立订阅连接接收, 没有理解丢不丢消息和几个连接有什么关系, 如果客户端下线或断网,建立几个都没用啊

de.inetsoftware.jwebassembly.api.annotation.Import Does not include the import function definition, is it currently not supported? demo: https://github.com/zonghaishang/wasm-java/tree/jwebassembly ``` package com.alipay.wasm; import de.inetsoftware.jwebassembly.JWebAssembly; import de.inetsoftware.jwebassembly.api.annotation.Export; import de.inetsoftware.jwebassembly.api.annotation.Import; import java.io.File; import java.net.URL; public class...

Currently, data transfer is dependent on wasm's linear memory, but jwebassembly is not exported. Is it currently not supported? - memory[0] -> "memory" I found out that both tinygo and...

Should remove author and change package name.

您好,我是JAVA开发工程师,看了这个项目,请问如果加入这个开源项目?我的邮箱:[email protected]

When the telnet invoke method contains a custom object, you need to specify the class as the key. The key contains the object's completion object name, such as org.apache.dubbo.Persion.

help wanted
good first issue

### Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. https://github.com/sofastack/sofa-rpc/blob/bd25a4e894fc7a1fde00ba15699ea3ee12aa8c16/remoting/remoting-bolt/src/main/java/com/alipay/sofa/rpc/server/bolt/BoltServerProcessor.java#L180 ``` @Override public void handleRequest(BizContext bizCtx, AsyncContext asyncCtx, SofaRequest request) { // ... before code...
