诣极 yì jí

Results 11 comments of 诣极 yì jí

> https://github.com/mosn/mosn/blob/857883d30d979cd5249b96bd857c38cc0b4b3e40/pkg/config/v2/upstream.go#L92 > > > 比较倾向于用该能力支持短链接,欢迎pr MaxRequestPerConn 假设设置成1, 当响应回来时,ping-pong 还是需要放回idleClients。我感觉还是解决不了这个丢请求问题,MaxRequestPerConn处理思路是啥? 现在场景本质是,每次响应回来,必须close请求

> You have not use the method max. The compiler import only the needed methods. @Horcrux7 nice, It is correct to include the `import` call in `export` ``` public class...

>2.) I does not understand the question. What you means with go runtime. > >For the missing GC it use currently a Java script polyfill. With a compiler flag you...

> The memory section will be created if there are data for it. For example you use a string constant. Or you use a instance method call then the vtables...

> JWebAssembly does not used linear memory for data access. It is written for a GC. The linear memory contains only the class descriptions, string constants, etc. The program code...

在哪里更新?我重新copy代码 新建还是不让登陆:https://bmw-linker.com/installation.html#

@mathetake thank you for your reply. It sounds, because envoy is a single-threaded shared WASM VM instance, when the plug-in calls the host, the host can obtain the WASM VM...

> > @mathetake thank you for your reply. > > It sounds, because envoy is a single-threaded shared WASM VM instance, when the plug-in calls the host, the host can...

> > Filter A(context ID:1) and Filter B(context ID:2)are XxxFilter extension instances, Filter A is handling OnHttpRequestHeader,Filter B is handling OnHttpResponseBody, Both Filter instances invoke 'proxy_get_buffer' method to get the...