Could u give me a more detailed description of the error
Your category number is 3, so your label map should only contain 0,1 and 2, but your label map contain something else. Check your label map.
Check that your label map contains only 0,1, and 2. You can complete the check by running the following program: ```python import os import os.path as osp from tqdm import...
> 不能把category number的类别定义为mask的分割种类呢,即不需要再把mask的颜色种类重新按0,1,2,3这样排序,保留原本的颜色? 可以,但你需要对加载数据的代码做一些修改。
pip uninstall timm pip install timm==0.5.4
> 谢谢! 小于1或者稍大于1,数据集不太好的情况下可能会稍大于2
> 你好,我在train.py中看到`model.fit( x=train_generator, steps_per_epoch=cfg.STEPS_PER_EPOCH, initial_epoch=cfg.INITIAL_EPOCH, epochs=cfg.EPOCHS, verbose=1, callbacks=callbacks, validation_data=val_generator, validation_steps=cfg.VALIDATION_STEPS )` > 其中fit函数并没指定batch_size,那么STEPS_PER_EPOCH依旧是数据集的大小,并没有除以batch_size吗;但是在generator中却有指定了batch_size,也就是说数据集会除以batch_size。那么在训练的过程是否会出现在同一个epoch中,队某个样本进行重复训练? STEPS_PER_EPOCH的值应该设定为 总数据量//batch_size, 训练时仅指定steps_per_epoch即可,无需在fit中指定batch_size