
Results 181 comments of 二货爱吃白萝卜

Thanks for feedback. Enter making form submit is a bug which need to be fixed. DateTimePicker & TimePicker do not have 'final click' to let component know what time is...

Hi @gitter-me, DateTimePicker in v3 has the interactive problem that user usually miss setting the time value. In v4, we flatten the panel to display both date & time instead...

In v4@alpha version, we tried to remove ok button with blur to submit. But then find that meet the interactive issue above describe. I agree it may let user confuse...

Hi @mgcrea, `submitOnBlur` may not provide since it's conflict with our design. But it does a real question about user customize their behavior. I guess we can improve `onPanelChange` to...

> 中间这一块在13寸显示器上宽度超了 这一条是故意超出去的~

提供一下 demo 启动相关 script 以及对应 Demo 页面样式元素哈~

ref https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/pull/20699

> antd 后续不用 dom-align 了,这个问题在底层都换成 @rc-component/trigger 之后可以解 替换了 `@rc-component/trigger` 本身也不会默认调整现在的处理逻辑。只要屏幕可以滚动,它还是会按照滚动区域来,应该需要提供一个 CP 支持全局设置 Select 的 `popupAlign` 逻辑用于覆盖。