Dear Shujun, Thanks for replying me! yes, I had followed the usage instruction in readme file. Here are the commands: ``` (base) [user@dusty annotation]$ singularity pull EDTA.sif docker://oushujun/edta:2.0.0 INFO: Using...
Thanks for trying both versions for me, Shujun! Then I guess it's due to the upgrading of our computer system... I might need to talk to our cluster help! Thanks...
Thanks @oushujun! I gave up in trying, and used another cluster system with a newly build environment. Everything is fine now. Thanks!
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Hi, I got the same error message ``` sh: line 1: 224093 Segmentation fault /miniconda3/envs/BRAKER/bin/etraining --species=Arabidopsis --AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH=/Augustus/config /annotation/braker1_etp/train.f.gb > /annotation/braker1_etp/gbFilterEtraining.stdout 2> /annotation/braker1_etp/errors/gbFilterEtraining.stderr ERROR in file /BRAKER/scripts/braker.pl at line 7493 Failed...
Hi Arang, Thanks for replying me! I checked the log and found the warning message: ``` Found 1 command tree. Loading required package: argparse Warning message: In library(package, lib.loc =...
Hi @arangrhie , thanks for replying me! I actually find it a bit weird, because the memory usage for generating 0.meryl seems like 0 Gb (if I understand it correctly)......
Hi @arangrhie, I checked the two .hist files you mentioned, and the .spectra-cn.hist file seems fine with lots of lines of data. But the .only.hist has only two lines... I...
Thanks a lot! here is the distribution figure. Before I was not sure why I can't see the pattern of multi-modal. Now with your confirmation, I'm kinda sure now. Thanks!...
I have the same question.