Paul D Barham
Paul D Barham
- Top page for their data: - GIS Datasets
@amandaCCF What is a vacant property? - No one living in a apartment - No one living in a building - There is no building on the property
There are some good hints on how to do this in
This is the Blue and Red Filter Boxes in the Project Hub
Do we need the Brigades location or the Project's location? If a Brigade has a 100 projects, then there would be a 100 pins at the same lat/lng. @tangospring @rlh-aagis
Would hashing the GitHub URL be a better key like one of the suggestions proposed in [Generate a Hash from string in Javascript/jQuery](
Ideas do not have github URLs. So yes for them the Date/Time stamp would be best. On Sun, May 3, 2015 at 4:13 PM, Jason Stirnaman [email protected] wrote: > Ideas...
Phu, Send me your email and I will get you setup with Slack. I am [email protected] Paul On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Oleh Kovalchuke [email protected] wrote: >...
We might think about using TableTop as a way to retrieve the data from a Google Spread Sheet. This is what was used in civic-project-mapping and we used the...
Our data from CFA API is and their github page is at and API is