The [demo page](https://legacy.graphqlbin.com/RVIn) from [npm library is broken](https://www.npmjs.com/package/graphql-playground-react?activeTab=versions). Just on the page below.
I have a candy machine that I have created using the candy machine CLI. I wanted to visualize it, so I opened MintUI, used the load button and loaded the...
Pull latest, yarn install, yarn start, notice that it fails with error below in case of Node 17.X. ``` ➜ MintUI git:(main) ✗ node --version v17.2.0 ➜ MintUI git:(main) yarn...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I working on a 1:1 marketplace project — is there a way to bypass Candy Machine and use JS APIs...
- **I'm submitting a ...** [X ] bug report [ ] feature request [ ] question about the decisions made in the repository [] question about how to use this...
I removed the width attribute from the #jfmfs-friend-container to let the container expand to the parent div's size but now the friend icons are left justified. This produces a large...
It would be great if the plugin would allow to preload images or at least have the functionality to start loading images before being displayed. This would allow background loading...
I have been trying to vertically center user name and the profile image - but can't figure out the correct CSS. Is there a simple fix?
My web page is based on the [Twitter Bootstrap](http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/) and unfortunately, LightFace is not compatible with this framework. Mostly the problems are from CSS definitions that are not explicitly set...