
Results 12 comments of Zo

Ditto, 🥳, is not removed either.

I am not proud of this, but it works... ```JavaScript var emojiStrip = require('emoji-strip') function strimEmojis(string) { return emojiStrip(string).replace(/([\uE000-\uF8FF]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\u2011-\u26FF]|\uD83E[\uDD10-\uDDFF])/g, ''); } ```

I am hitting the same issue, but it's with all literal colors i.e. fill="white" still will fill with black color, but fill="#FFFFFF" works. Maybe it's not specific to none?

+1, this would be great to have! I wonder if we can collaborate on this; if you have any pointers, I can try it out.

Seems to be related to https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/11565. The only workaround other than waiting for facebook to update react is to downgrade npm i.e. `nvm use 16.8.0`.

Here is the output for yarn ios: ``` ➜ Sei git:(master) yarn ios yarn run v1.22.17 $ react-native run-ios warn Package eslint-plugin-functional has been ignored because it contains invalid configuration....

Have the same issue as well. Seems like there is a race condition between the dropdown's onClose and the toggle function in the demo.

Can you tell me more about the use case?

Ah, I see. I think the easy way of doing this would be wrap the wonka call in a `Promise.all(..)`, but if atomicity is important, much better to do through...

Hi @dmajda, I am not sure if @jameskeane is referring to the same issue, but from my point of view the following code: ``` JavaScript var parser = PEG.buildParser("start =...