Kat Marchán

Results 300 issues of Kat Marchán

Every time I do `cargo bump -g` now, I get `Cargo.lock` as a modified file in my project root, after the commit :(

- [x] I have read & abide by the CONTRIBUTING.md and CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md guidelines and agree to license my contributions as CC0-1.0. type of change ===== - [x] adding a tool...

It would be really great to be able to install sd on Windows through the [windows package manager, `winget`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/package-manager/winget/).

help wanted

Fixes: #6 This is a "full-fledged" example of big-brain being used within a "realistic" application. It features a Hero that explores, looks for powerups and items, and fights off hordes...

After fixing #13, the change also made it so you can basically only have one Thinker per Entity. Might be nice to bring back multiple Thinkers but I don't think...

help wanted

Big Brain used to have [Crystal AI-style `Weight`s](https://igiagkiozis.github.io/CrystalAI/getting-started/#options-and-measures) for its `Consideration`s (now called `Scorer`s). I wasn't sure they would be very useful, but maybe they are? It's worth thinking about...

help wanted

Big Brain used to have [Crystal AI-style `Measure`s](https://igiagkiozis.github.io/CrystalAI/getting-started/#options-and-measures). This was removed as part of #1. That said, it seems like something of the sort might be useful to people?

help wanted

There should be a step-by-step guide on how to get started with big-brain and do incrementally more complex things.

help wanted

Would be nice to have a more involved example that actually does some neat graphical stuff. Maybe it would be cool to just adapt an example from [`bevy_tilemap`](https://github.com/joshuajbouw/bevy_tilemap)?

help wanted
good first issue

If we get an EINTEGRITY error while reading stuff from the cache, the cached data should be unlinked. There's no need to remove associated index entries, though. This should be...

help wanted