Kat Marchán

Results 343 comments of Kat Marchán


One reason for having this flag is a workflow that involves a review process. I would like to be able to annotate the merge request with a ticket number, even...

Originally, these were not clamped. After playing around with scorers and composition, though, I realized that a common problem that came up was that different Scorers would be hard to...

@chrisburnor did anything ever come out of your branch? Is there anything I can do to help here?

What's wrong with `JSON.parse(data.toString('utf8'))`? That's usually what you wanna do when converting buffers to strings.

So here's the deal: you _should_ be able to do all the operations that you'd want to do here so long as they don't break the contract for the cache....

I think I'm leaning still towards continuing to prevent corruption. npm@5 was a breaking change, and has a very different paradigm for its cache. These sorts of things are to...

I'm gonna loop @rmg into this conversation, too, since it involves reverting their patch. My main resistance at this point is the breaking which will leave caches in hybrid states....

also for the record: I understand it's ok to take the time we've been taking discussing this. Since it's reverting a prior contribution and has some potential side-effects and involves...

So, the entry index (which is where the metadata exists), is append-only -- this means that every time you insert something, or even call the index writer -- you _append_....