Zhian N. Kamvar

Results 178 issues of Zhian N. Kamvar

Right now, The messages displayed to the user are not necessarily standardised in a way that makes implementing translations easy. We need to implement package translations _and_ translations for the...

I've noticed an anti-pattern in one of the lessons in the incubator. The author of this lesson wants to distribute a [121k zip file](https://github.com/carpentries-incubator/R-ecology-lesson/commit/1807000e61a28caebd28f28637351a8413810816) that contains compressed content of the...


One of the benefits of having `error = TRUE` by default is that we can see all of the errors at once instead of failing on the first error. What...

Before https://github.com/carpentries/sandpaper/releases/tag/0.6.0, if you wanted a markdown-only lesson, you had to do the following: 1. run `no_package_cache()` 2. run `create_lesson()` 3. edit `episodes/01-introduction.Rmd` to remove the R code chunk and...

refactor :cold_sweat:

The instructor-notes.md file should not be mandatory. We can create it if needed if the authors choose to only write inline instructor notes. > is the instructors/instructor-notes.md file mandatory? At...

## Problem This is an example: If you have a package cache that contains the {rmarkdown} package version 2.11 and add {bookdown} (which tracks the CRAN version of {rmarkdown} closely),...


Eventually we will want to convert the term "episode" to "chapter." This transition should not be sudden or unexpected, so this is very much a future plan. These all the...

Right now we have a [set of four colour schemes and logos based on our curricula](https://carpentries.org/blog/2021/05/lesson-template-design-process/). Of course, there are other organisations that use our infrastructure and would probably like...


## Problem When folks are iteratively working on lessons, they may not want to be running `sandpaper::serve()` since it will rerun an entire file on save and instead run individual...

package cache

@zkamvar and @tobyhodges this PR is still in progress but ran into a question about links. I added a link that links to the incubator that I think would be...