Zhian N. Kamvar

Results 178 issues of Zhian N. Kamvar

Would it be possible to include the imports count to the list? It would be nice to have a sense of how heavy packages are.

It would be nice to have a function that generates a data frame of keys for a given template for programmatic generation of input data. I'm thinking something along the...

I found some strange behavior where required options results in an error: ``` r 'usage: my_program.R [-a -r -m ] options: -a Add -r Remote -m Message' -> doc docopt(doc)...

There was an issue where GitHub had adopted the jekyll-titles-from-headings gem in their builds so that pages without default titles would have the first heading adopted as the page title....

Our cache system is in the workflows is not working and that's because I did not have a good model of how the caching worked previously. Take the following code:...

Since the user is always directed here, the links should point to the correct pages. The COC link is a bit bare, however since the relevant content is Jekyll-derived. Maybe...

packages like {rgdal} and {rgeos} are going to be replaced in a couple of years, so it would be a good idea to revisit the package ecosystem for this lesson...

help wanted

During the June Maintainer meeting, we asked for comments and experiences with the migration to R 4.0 so that we could create guidance for maintainers and instructors. We have drafted...

I don't know how it got past the defenses, but _somehow_ loading this package on macOS that did not have developer tools set up ended up causing an error (https://github.com/zkamvar/sandpaper-docs/issues/33#issue-906158584)....

In https://github.com/carpentries/glosario-r/pull/11, the mechanism for updating the glossary is governed by a github action that will update the internal glossary daily. In https://github.com/carpentries/glosario-py/issues/1, it is suggested to remove the glossary.yml...