Zhian N. Kamvar

Results 211 comments of Zhian N. Kamvar

After running a few tests, it appears that this will affect _all_ of the pages in a lesson that do not have titles. If the first element of a page...

As I suspected, this is coming from a feature on GitHub pages. They have the [jekyll-titles-from-headings](https://github.com/benbalter/jekyll-titles-from-headings#jekyll-titles-from-headings) plugin enabled (as shown in https://pages.github.com/versions/). In order to turn this behaviour off, we...

> The build is failing on my local copy and I don't know why - I don't think I've changed anything that would break a build and the repository doesn't...

Bumping for the @datacarpentry/r-raster-vector-geospatial-maintainers: I have this lesson currently scheduled to enter workbench pre-beta on Tuesday, July 26th https://github.com/carpentries/workbench/discussions/11 I can not enter a lesson into the beta phase unless...

Hi @jsta, > Is the purpose of the workbench beta to streamline the styles upgrading process? Or is styles going away? Styles is going away. All lessons will switch over...

It will also make your lives as maintainers of an R lesson a lot easier because you get three new features: 1. Only files that change are rebuilt 1. [pinned...

@arreyves, as a maintainer, are you okay with going forward with the beta test?

Hello @datacarpentry/r-raster-vector-geospatial-maintainers, Thank you for your patience during the last quarter. I am pleased to announce that the **transition to beta phase for this lesson will take place in 4...

Hello @datacarpentry/r-raster-vector-geospatial-maintainers, https://github.com/datacarpentry/r-raster-vector-geospatial/pull/380 has been merged and I have created the pre-beta snapshot of the lesson at https://github.com/fishtree-attempt/r-raster-vector-geospatial. I have invited all the maintainers on this lesson to a team...

Unfortunately, the way the styles template is set up, it's not possible to do this without manual intervention (i.e. rendering the files locally) or modifying the Makefile (which will cause...