Zhian N. Kamvar

Results 211 comments of Zhian N. Kamvar

Thank you for your contribution. This lesson has migrated to use [The Carpentries Workbench][workbench], but unfortunately, due to various factors, the Maintainers of this lesson were unable to address this...

Hi @datacarpentry/r-socialsci-maintainers, Just a reminder that before the transition, _all of the [current pull requests](https://github.com/datacarpentry/r-raster-vector-geospatial/pulls) must be resolved_. I also _highly_ recommend for you to play around with [the snapshot...

## Workbench Beta Phase Timeframe Adjustment > Note: this is identical to the message I sent directly via email The beta phase has been in progress since the end of...

Hello and happy new year! This is a reminder that on **06 February 2023 (just under four weeks away), your lesson repositories will be transformed to use The Carpentries Workbench.**...

Hello Maintainers, Today is the day the lesson transitions into the second stage of the beta phase :tada: I have created lesson release for this lesson and also have downloaded...

~~Also note: I will manually push up the results of the gh-pages branch as there is [a GitHub Actions error that I am unable to easily fix](https://github.com/datacarpentry/r-raster-vector-geospatial/actions/runs/4105751054/jobs/7083050382#step:13:1510:~:text=Quitting%20from%20lines,dynam%20%2D%3E%20dyn.load)~~ ~~Edit: this appears...

The transition is done. When you have created a fresh clone of the lesson, please comment here with `I am ready for write access :rocket:` and I will grant you...

Thank you all for your hard work getting the pull requests merged and giving feedback. Now that you all have access, here are some resources that can help you understand...

I have created a video that describes situations where folks will accidentally create PRs from styles repositories, as documented in [The Transition from Carpentries to Styles section in the Pull...