
Results 19 issues of zk-phi

Thank you for implementing and sharing the great tool! This PR adds `--suffix` command-line option, which overrides the default `-subset` suffix. This option may be useful for users who want...

Hi, thank you for developing the cool package. This PR adds two methods: `selectItemsByPredicate` and `deselectItemsByPredicate` to control selection from js interface (not by user manipulation). This may be useful...

This PR makes the Selectbox invisible by setting its `display` property to `none`, iff both width and height of the box is zero. This avoids rendering a strange dot at...

`magic-latex-buffer` makes Emacs noticeably slow especially in large buffers.

"point-safe" goes wrong on showing tooltips.


`Foo extends` to complete `class Foo extends React.Component` for example (?)

:skull: this PR includes #21