Results 10 comments of Ziyang LI

I have tested a few more message types and I only find this problem with Odometry.

@wjwwood and @dirk-thomas Thank you for your reply. It is in fact quite easy to reproduce. First publish a dummy Odometry topic at 200Hz like this: ``` rostopic pub /foo...

Some more detail: I noticed this problem quite some time ago, when I defined a subscriber like this: ``` ros::Subscriber odom_sub = nh.subscribe("odom_sub", 1, odom_callback); ``` Even if the publisher...

I encounter the same error. {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ../lib/ error: undefined reference to 'tbb::internal::concurrent_queue_base_v3::internal_pop_if_present(void_)' ../lib/ error: undefined reference to 'tbb::internal::concurrent_queue_base_v3::internal_empty() const' ../lib/ error: undefined reference to 'tbb::internal::concurrent_queue_base_v3::internal_finish_clear()' ../lib/ error: undefined reference to...

I modified the CMakeList a little bit and it works. So maybe it is a mistake of the original CMakeList? SET(G2O_LIBS g2o_core g2o_csparse_extension g2o_solver_dense g2o_solver_csparse g2o_stuff g2o_types_slam3d) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} cxsparse ${G2O_LIBS}...

How to add the PCL include directories?

@falloutphil ,thank you for your reply. I am running the latest Emacs and anaconda-mode on a newly installed ubuntu18.04 in Vmware. No special steps. I just open a python file...

I comment out the proxy settings above and now anaconda mode works. So indeed the reason is my proxy setting. Does anybody know how to correctly use the proxy since...

@mindworker I can also run the original PTAM, the problem is that the original PTAM can not open my bluefox camera. Do you have the same problem?

@mindworker I finally managed to run ethzasl_ptam, it turned out that I did not give the correct image topic, I should use ``` ``` instead of ``` ``` the backslash...