
Results 25 comments of Oops

> Found this as a possible replacement [motor](https://www.amazon.com/HONGYI-Gimbal-brushless-Bearing-Accessories/dp/B085L5BW9H/ref=pd_sbs_sccl_3/141-6533568-7761633?pd_rd_w=rW5J4&pf_rd_p=dfec2022-428d-4b18-a6d4-8f791333a139&pf_rd_r=KYJN9G1VVEMHN3Y9D9G4&pd_rd_r=2982e7f7-d4e0-4049-842a-92c8fea04631&pd_rd_wg=RNI8V&pd_rd_i=B085L5BW9H&psc=1) I tried, but the current from the PCB board is not enough to power this motor.

> ![IMG_0593](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2161494/162133201-971698f1-ec5f-4ca5-bbf3-d836f943b5d8.jpeg) > > LVGL is something I have been trying out whilst I wait for some motors I’ve ordered to arrive. The above is running on a modified version...

@scottbez1 Hi Scott. I found esp32 we use has 8MB flash and 2MB PSRAM. But the log shows incorrectly. PLATFORM: Espressif 32 (3.4.0) > DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1 HARDWARE: ESP32...

> @zinwalin Sorry to be off-topic. What board are you using with that small display? I would also like to tinker before I can get motors. I mean T-Micro32 Plus...

> 每次F5刷新页面的时候,都会触发这个router.beforeEach,里面的hasGetUserInfo每次都是空的 异步请求的问题。

有Pull Request吗?

> It seems that Xcode is not resolving the building target of watchOS in a good way for a universal framework like Kingfisher. > > Maybe you can try to...


same here. I can't access to jetson_stats.service. Please logout or reboot this board. Jetpack 4.5
