
Results 53 comments of ziming

After giving it some thoughts I decide to change the rules to ['required', 'confirmed', 'min:8', Password::defaults()] I also bumped the min laravel to 8.78 even though Password::defaults() is added in...

could it be included in this version of backpack if we do some if check on laravel/framework version? see: https://getcomposer.org/doc/07-runtime.md#knowing-the-version-of-package-x

laravel 8.75 has a security patch for blade. would that be enough incentive to bump the minimum? https://github.com/laravel/framework/security/advisories/GHSA-66hf-2p6w-jqfw (patched in 8.75) https://github.com/laravel/framework/security/advisories/GHSA-4mg9-vhxq-vm7j (patched in 8.40) if not. it's fine. :)

I'm a little confused here. If the minimum laravel is agreed to be bumped, then conditionals are not necessary anymore. But okay, fine with next major version :)

Hmm I don't really see it as a breaking change since existing users won't feel it (since their accounts are already created) while new users who register will never know...

Hi, I added the password_validation_rules config to base.php under Authentication Section in RegisterController and ResetsPassword I changed to use ...config('backpack.base. password_validation_rules') This is PHP 7.4 syntax (array spread operator) but...

I just thought of an even better approach. Compatible with PHP 7.3 and more flexible too. Will make my new commit when i reach home

Okay pushed, it's 2+ am here now. Here is an explanation of how it works **1st change: config('backpack.base.password_validation_rules') is no longer an array** This is because most password rules on...

It's approved, when will this get merged? :)