
Results 53 comments of ziming

Looking at these 2 files, I did not see temporarySignedUrl() Only temporaryUrl() https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/9.x/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/FilesystemAdapter.php https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/9.x/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/AwsS3V3Adapter.php I think temporarySignedUrl() is for normal laravel routes https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/urls#signed-urls Also see: https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/filesystem#temporary-urls

I think we can call it 'temporary' instead of 'private_s3_bucket' to be consistent with how the upload field names it. https://github.com/Laravel-Backpack/CRUD/blob/v5/src/resources/views/crud/fields/upload.blade.php

I just changed the parameter to temporary also added an (int) cast before passing into now()->addMinutes() this way people can do temporary => true (recommended) or temporary => 2 The...

looking forward to this! A morphTo column would be great too

I like to suggest adding rel= no referrer and no opener to the a tag by default. just so u know so if it is an external link. they wont...

Ah i see thank for the tip, I just think adding noreferrer and noopener by default to all external links is the safe and secure choice. Then if the user...

Did I just see a funny looking check name "Add new bugs & PRs to This Week project" before it disappeared? :O

Thanks! Hmm if you want I could try make another PR with laravel psalm so you get checks from both static analysis tools (which may be helpful sometimes in catching...

Hi Cristian, larastan is not about code style fixes. it is about detecting bugs u will usually detect with a statically typed language like java things like missing imports, wrong...

There is a octane compatibility Larastan rule which you all might want to run. It's in my earlier larastan PR, but not sure how smart that rule is in detecting...