Results 12 comments of ZImaVI

go to file 'waifu/Src/utils/elevenlabs.py' and replace line `mp3_bytes = ELEVENLABS_VOICE.generate_audio_bytes(message, stability, similarity)` with `mp3_bytes = ELEVENLABS_VOICE.generate_audio_v2(message, GenerationOptions(model_id='eleven_multilingual_v2', stability=stability, similarity_boost=similarity))[0]`

Have you tried to hold the right ctrl?

If you fixed, why not to close issue?

I think you're in the wrong repo, but [here](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/configuring-python-interpreter.html#a6bd4d8c) you go

Copy all files from folder where your python is installed into 'C:\Python311' folder

have you installed [node.js](https://nodejs.org/en)?

Is that all the information? Can you add a screenshot/video of your screen when you open start.bat?