Hello, Viomi SE is not integrate actualy in HA xiomi integration but I use another integration available in HACS which is called Hacky Home assistant support for Viomi SE (V-RVCLM21A)...
Same for me with Avast
I'm having issue with WT32-ETH01 too but not using the APA ledstrip (I don't have APA connected but only configured with GPIO 2 and 4). It's only work at the...
The WT32-ETH01 use a chip WT32-S1 where in the datasheet, I found this: On-board clock 40 MHz crystal. I don't think it's the ESP speed but may be it's a...
I tried with this compile option but same issue. Working fine at configuration time but not after the reboot. ``` [env:esp32_eth] board = esp32-poe platform = ${esp32.platform} platform_packages = ${esp32.platform_packages}...
Today I compiled again with the main branch (71d84fec) with same configuration but I erase completely the flash + esp32_bootloader_v4.bin. I get very positive result now. With ws281x, it works....
But I tried with the same PIN with 2 data lines with WS281x (on IO2 and IO4 like for APA102 but which are used one for data -IO2 /CLK -...
I tried reversing clk io2 / data io4 --> Nok as well. APA102 code do something (HSPI related) that LAN don't like but I would not go into the direction...
It may be ridiculous what I have seen in plateformio -D USE_ALT_DISPlAY in the code change. I think, there is a mistake with 1 instead L -D USE_ALT_DISPLAY If this...
Yep can be considered as duplicate. I will may do comment there :)