Irene's dude
Irene's dude
大佬你好,我在看dataloader那个模块的时候发现相机内参你设置的是 ```[[518.8579, 0, 320], # K is [fx 0 cx; 0 fy cy; 0 0 1]; [0, 518.8579, 240], # cx = K(1,3); cy = K(2,3); [0, 0, 1]]``` 但我在NYUv2那里看到的内参和这个有一点差别,想问一下这是为什么诶
Hello there! The work and code is amazing. But I have some question about the code, in `deformable_*`, the attention weight is from a linear transform from query, I do...
While I installing openpcdet, I found it always search package from pypi,which is slow, how can I change the source to tsinghua source?