Xiaogang Zhou

Results 6 issues of Xiaogang Zhou

Ask timed out on [Actor[akka.tcp://flink@jssz-bigdata-datanode-1316:15841/user/taskmanager_0#-1168369699]] after [10000 ms]. Message of type [org.apache.flink.runtime.rpc.messages.RemoteRpcInvocation]. the flink job throws a exception like this.if i add some limit in the query sentence, no exception...

在导数据的时候指定了一个库xxx,但是执行时出现报错 Caused by: ru.yandex.clickhouse.except.ClickHouseException: ClickHouse exception, code: 291, host:, port: 8123; Code: 291, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Access denied to database default for user dataout_user (versi on (official build))...

have you met out of memory issue when using c call go function?

## What is the purpose of the change expose histogram metrics in rocksdb native metrics ## Brief change log exposed the histogram metrics ## Verifying this change This change is...

## What is the purpose of the change *Enable projection pushdown for protobuf format* ## Brief change log - *Enable projection pushdown for protobuf format* ## Verifying this change Please...


I need to use the FIFO compation, and there is a configuration: compactionOptionsFIFO.setAllowCompaction, which is only available in https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.github.myasuka/frocksdbjni 6.10 + version I noticed there is a performance issue, https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/issues/5774...