Xiaogang Zhou
Xiaogang Zhou
@wangzzu 大佬什么时候开始介绍flink,谢谢
@libenchao Hi Master, This CI seems failed with Node.js related issue. Would you please help review the Pb projection logic first? I have made it pass all the proto2row test....
@flinkbot run azure
@flinkbot run azure
@flinkbot run azure
@flinkbot run azure
@flinkbot run azure
> > @libenchao Hi Master, This CI seems failed with Node.js related issue. Would you please help review the Pb projection logic first? I have made it pass all the...
> @zhougit86 Yes, I can review this, however, I have limited spare time, which means that I may respond slowly. Ok, take your time. Let me know if any clarification...
> @maosuhan @ljw-hit Are you interested in reviewing this? @maosuhan @ljw-hit Would you please help to review? this commit is to enable projection pushdown for the pb format.