Harry Feng

Results 9 issues of Harry Feng

当开发需要调整生产配置时,往往希望只将非敏感信息对开发可见,对于密钥等敏感内容仅显示参数名而遮盖具体的参数值。 能否通过用户权限的控制实现对特定用户群展示部分可见参数值的行为? 或者能否通过特定的参数值格式令 apollo 能从外部密钥仓库(如 vault 等)请求具体密钥内容? 通过这种方式使敏感信息在 ui 上不再以明问显示,仅当应用通过接口请求参数时才去密钥仓库获取实际密钥返回给应用。

Since the used memory of mudlet keeps on increasing and get huge after a long run, I run heaptrack against the mudlet pid to collect an analysis. The result show...


Can the data source huaweicloud_obs_bucket_object provide the content of the target object as what the aws_s3_object provided in its body field


Error messages below reported when I attach a prePaid ECS instance into CCE: ``` 2022-09-22T20:09:07.651+0800 [DEBUG] provider.terraform-provider-huaweicloud_v1.40.1: API Response Code: 200: timestamp=2022-09-22T20:09:07.651+0800 2022-09-22T20:09:07.651+0800 [DEBUG] provider.terraform-provider-huaweicloud_v1.40.1: API Response Headers: Cache-Control: no-cache,...

1. Only 4 cce addon are available in provider now, when will other addons(at least necessary addon like npd/autoscaler) be supported? 2. some system plugins like coredns/everest are auto installed...


When I try to create a data disk with kms encryption id, error message below was reported: │ Error: Error waiting for job (2b2e2b9d-2d32-11ed-abcc-0255ac1002c7) to become success: unexpected state 'Failed',...

As title, I'd like to purchase prePaid nat gateway from terraform. Can your support related feature in provider?


重现方法: for i=1,100000 do Print(tostring(i)..": "..RegEx("test", "(^.*$)")) end Lua error: :1: bad argument #1 to ? (string expected, got nil) stack traceback: :0: in function :1: in function /Users/ibm/go-mud/script/client.lua:182: in...

重新加载 Lua 的功能可以成功实现,但在加载后会有个小报错: Lua 环境已关闭。 初始化 Lua 环境... Lua 环境初始化完成。 Error: %!s()