Harry Feng
Harry Feng
#4469 的需求和 #3187 还是有区别的,两种功能需求所针对的安全场景是不同的。 #3187 主要是解决密钥明文显示的问题,无论采用客户端方式还是服务端方式,防范对象为恶意的外部人员,避免其通过解读明文配置获取敏感信息。 #4469 主要是希望解决权限控制问题,将权限作用对象从目前应用级别细化到具体的参数级别,是针对准内部人员的防范机制,譬如离职开发人员的恶意操作或非本部门人员的误操作等。比较常见的应用场景是生产环境与开发环境的隔离,我们希望开发对生产环境的配置具有一定的查阅权限,以方便其对运维人员的配置指导,但又需要规避其直接获取敏感信息的可能。 这里会产生一个误解,即实现了#3187的明文显示问题可以顺带满足 #4469 的需求。 对于客户端解密的策略,无论信息是否明文显示,对开发人员都是无差别的。因为开发可以接触源代码,必然可以接触解密所需使用到的密钥,想要获取敏感信息,无非是多一步解密的动作罢了,其实与明文几无差别。 因此,要实现完整的敏感信息控制策略,客户端解密与服务端权限控制是需要配合的。
Anyone can take a look at the issue? I have met the same issue again when I purchase a new prePaid instance: ``` ╷ │ Error: Error setting CCE Node...
When will the fix be released?
Here's it setConsoleBufferSize(200000, 1000)
I'm generating a new one, in which use normal console buffer setConsoleBufferSize(10000, 1000) to get ride of its impact.
The new heaptrack file is ready, this is a 24hours+ long run collection. I have used the PR version which has fixed the timer LUA memory leak issue #4613 You...
Yes, I'm using rex.match in LUA to implement the custom trigger function. I can try isolate the memory issue from LUA side to confirm whether they are my script issue...
I have tried my robot lua section in tintin++ and no memory leak appeared. So, I think we can skip the concern about my lua robot at present. My robot...
I do have tried collectgarbage(), it's no use as I think that should not be the lua occupied memory, gc from lua side will not work. I can reproduce the...
I noticed each time resetProfile() is invoked, below lua modules are reloaded: [ OK ] - Lua module lfs (Lua File System) loaded. [ OK ] - Lua module lua-zip...