Zhenhua Wang

Results 10 issues of Zhenhua Wang

When having an incomplete statement (e.g. `a

现在当按下 `Super + 任意字母` 时,rime会正常显示输入框。我想让Super键加字母键的组合被系统忽略,类似Ctrl或Alt键作为修饰键。请问有没有什么方法可以实现这一点?

Hi, Everything works fine in a normal R file. But in rmd file, it cannot complete workspace variables (See below) after updated to the newest version of Rlanguageserver. This used...

Hi, `conda.el` works very well when python-shell-interpreter is set to "python3". However, when using "jupyter" as python-shell-interpreter , the jupyter console is still executed in the **base** environment even if...


Divirish has a nice folder state indicator in their line-prefix. I wonder if we could add a similar feature in dired-subtree as well. ![image](https://github.com/Fuco1/dired-hacks/assets/11971417/0a6778a9-afe4-4009-aea9-1573ba7e4734)


我试过设置`:width (frame-width)`,但最右边并没有覆盖主frame (如下图)。请问该怎么设置才可以让posframe占满全屏? ![2022-12-30-185228_3200x1800_scrot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11971417/210120177-31804528-6dc1-4f95-9c29-e6ee167eba30.png)

While `flycheck-popup-tip` works perfect with `linum-mode`, it adds many new line numbers when `display-line-numbers-mode` is enabled (see below). Before showing `flycheck-popup-tip`: After showing `flycheck-popup-tip`:

Support completing from project-root using the builtin `project.el`.

Hi, I wonder if it's possible to add this new feature. Currently, we can only set the border color for all floating windows. It would be great if we could...

Thank you for this wonderful theme! I find this issue with firefox (fresh install) that its tab bar color does not follow theme. As you can see from the image...