Zhenhua Wang

Results 10 comments of Zhenhua Wang

@randy3k Thank you for the quick response. That's good point about inspecting asynchronously, but it unfortunately might be a historical issue for Emacs... Both lsp-mode and eglot would wait for...

you can call lsp-org instead

Thanks for checking this! In my config, I have `(setq company-backends '(company-files company-capf company-yasnippet))`. So it's at the end of the company-backends. I also tried to call `company-yasnippet` directly in...

I see. That sounds good for now. Thank you.

> Diver deeper, I find that the function causing the hang is `imenu-update-menubar`, so a temporary workaround is just `(menu-bar-mode -1)` which will disable menu bar and `imenu-update-menubar` will not...

> 2\. Interestingly, if I create a file `test.Rmd` and **only** write R code, such as my import and the start of a function name from that library (for example...

I also have a similar issue on emacs 28.2. Emacs always freezes when typing alphabets in an empty line (I have to C-g every time).

The easiest work-around for me is to perform rescan on save. In this way, we don't need to change company-reftex at all, so there won't be any performance issue.

> @zhenhua-wang indeed that seems like the best solution. Could you share a snippet of the hook you use for this? I didn't use hook for this. I simply rebind...

min-width也不行,效果跟width一样。 我刚试过用emacs自带的make-frame是可以占满全屏的 (如下) ``` (make-frame `((width . ,(frame-width)) (background-color . "black"))) ``` 这应该是posframe的bug吧?