
Results 63 comments of zhengchun

You need provide more information to help me to debug.

@c4tz , `substring-after()` is a function, and return a string value not `NODE` type. your `substring-after(//div/@id, 'foo-')` is telling package to execute this function and returning a string value. Compare...

thanks for report. it is a bug of `position()` in `logical` operation.

Sorry, it was not about `position()` bug, I found if change expr to this `list := htmlquery.Find(doc, "//div[position()=1 and @class=\"test\"]/a/@href")` can works. I guess `build.processNode()` have some bug. If you...

Hello, You should provide the more exception information and test data reproduction this

First you get `/html/body` node and then traveling all child of body node via `FirstChild` and `NextSibling`. https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/net/html#Node Like the below code: ```go body, err := htmlquery.Findone(doc,"//body") if err !=...

Sorry, I thought it was solving the child node of body. I open it again.

I checked again and I understand your mean. I guess is `/html/body//*` not a fullly valid expression in `htmlquery`. You want query all child of body but exclude itself, you...

What is version of your `htmlquery` and `xpath` package? `//tbody/tr//td/div[1]/@title` expression won't panic an error even not found any matching node by the expression. I guess your variable `doc` is...

Try this method: `QueryAll`, It will return error if they got an error. https://godoc.org/github.com/antchfx/htmlquery#QueryAll But your example is strange, `htmlquery` won't throw `nil pointer dereference` error event no matching node,...