
Results 63 comments of zhengchun

I marked this as new feature, but I'm not sure I have enough time to implement it.

`current()` is only supported by XSLT. You can try this `//cd[@title=@ref]`

Hello, Need a sample document to test. or try this `../../measType[@p]`

like this `//r[@p]/ancestor::measInfo/measType[@p]` `//r[@p]/../../measType[@p]`

using the nested query to solve. like this ```go for _,n:=range xmlquery.Find(doc,"//r[@p]") { for _,nn:=range xmlquery.Find(n,`../../measType[@p='`+n.SelectAttr("p")+`']`){} } ```

I tested `//r[@p=../../measType/@p]` and it only return the first one node(expected matched 4 node but only gave 2), this is a bug.

`//r[@p=../../measType/@p]` should be your expression to sove your problem.

@Hipska , You can try to fix this and submit PR.

Sorry,I no idea how to implement `Current()` now, It's a XSLT function.

I just fixed this expression `a[@b=../@b]`, fixed bug with parent query on current node in the filter query.